Best Business Communication Textbooks describes the world-class business communication and business writing textbooks that are the recognized leaders in the field.

Discover the Best Business Communication Textbooks on the Market

Why Do Instructors Continue to Choose Bovée and Thill Textbooks: Because They're The Best Business Communication Textbooks on the Market

1. Three decades of market-leading innovation, with unique content, pedagogy, and instructor support resources.

2. Practical advice informed by deep, hands-on experience in all forms of modern business media

3. Engaging coverage of real companies and contemporary issues in business communication

4. Up-to-date coverage that reflects today’s business communication practices and employer expectations

5. Integrated learning that seamlessly combines print and digital features

6. Extensive added value with unique, free resources for instructors and students

Three Decades of Innovation, Helping Instructors Prepare Students for the Evolving Challenges of the Contemporary Workplace

The history of business communication over the past couple of decades has been one of almost constant change. The first major wave was the digital revolution, replacing much of the print communication of the past with email, instant messaging, web content, and other new forms. Then came social media, which fundamentally redefined the relationship between business and their stakeholders. And now comes the third wave, and it's proving to be every bit as disruptive–and full of exciting possibilities–as the first two.

Mobile communication, and mobile connectivity in the larger sense, is changing the way business communicators plan, create, and distribute messages. Mobile devices are overtaking PCs as the primary digital communication tool for millions of consumers, employees, and executives; business that don't get mobile friendly in a hurry will fall behind.

The fundamental skills of writing, listening, presenting, and so on will always be essential, of course, but those skills must be executed in a contemporary business context. That's why Bovee and Thill textbooks carefully blend technology awareness and skills with basic communication skills and practices. Discover for yourself why Bovee and Thill textbooks are considered the best business communication textbooks on the market.

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Business Communication Textbooks Have Wide Gap in Coverage: Which Ones are the Best?

business communication instruction

An analysis of digital, social, and mobile media in business communication textbooks reveals Bovée and Thill’s superb coverage far exceeds the coverage found in competing texts, which in comparison is shockingly incomplete and out of date. Read the full article from ABC 6 News.

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Best Business Communication Textbooks

As you consider the best business communication textbooks, keep in mind he Importance of mobile communication coverage in the textbook you select.

Whether it’s emailing, social networking, watching video, or doing research, the percentage of communication and media consumption performed on mobile devices continues to grow. For millions of people around the world, a mobile device is their primary way, if not their only way, to access the Internet. Globally, roughly 80 percent of Internet users access the web at least some of the time with a mobile device.

Mobile has become the primary communication tool for many business professionals, including a majority of executives under age 40. Email and web browsing rank first and second.

In terms of the most common non-voice uses of smartphones, more email messages are now opened on mobile devices than on PCs. Roughly half of U.S. consumers use a mobile device exclusively for their online search needs, and many online activities that eventually migrate to a PC screen start out on a mobile screen. For many people, the fact that a smartphone can make phone calls is practically a secondary consideration; data traffic from mobile devices far outstrips voice traffic.

Be Sure Your Textbook Has Full Coverage of Mobile Business Communication by 2015-2016

Looking for useful teaching materials for your course in business communication? We suggest you check out these websites: Reddit, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

Visit this page to order an examination copy of a Bovee & Thill textbook.

As you select the best business communication textbook for your students, remember that only Bovee and Thill covers mobile communication. All other authors are pretending that mobile doesn't exist.

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Business Communication Texts Show Surprising Differences

business communication instruction

A new video shows the surprising differences among textbooks authored by Courtland Bovee and John Thill, and their competitors. For example, only Bovee and Thill offer groundbreaking coverage of mobile communication. This is critical because students live in a mobile world–and they’re about to enter a workplace where mobile has gone mainstream–so any business communication course that aims to stay relevant must incorporate mobile.

Bovee and Thill also prepare students with the knowledge and skills they will be expected to have when they enter tomorrow’s workplace. The authors write the only texts that explain the new social communication model that is revolutionizing the way businesses communicate.

Courtland Bovee says, “We offer a clear, consistent, and integrated approach to teaching writing using the three­-step process.” The three-­step process is uniformly applied throughout each book and is adapted to each message form. Read the full article from NBC Right Now so that you can choose the best business communication textbooks to consider for adoption.

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